Hello readers 😃!
Today I want to share how I made a mixed media canvas using modeling clay. This one is variation of a canvas I made called Clay floral design on canvas. I made a black background on the canvas using acrylic paints. To get an even distribution, I gave the canvas several coats of black by letting each coat dry.
I wanted a different texture and design for background. This time I experimented with bubble wrap 😊. I painted the bubble wrap with blue acrylic paint and stamped it onto the canvas at several places.
Similarly I added more colours using the bubble wrap on the canvas.
After being satisfied with the background, I sketched a peacock with paisley patterned feathers using a pencil.
Now to give boundaries I rolled modeling clay into thin string and glued it onto the canvas.
And going further...
And done with the clay boundaries 😊. Now let the glue and clay dry.
Now I painted the bird with silver acrylic paint. Painted the branches with metallic green. And for flowers, I used metallic blue, violet and peach.
Next, I used metallic gel pens to draw the patterns in the paisleys.
And done 😃!!